1. Develop the test software as per the test system and its functionality
2. Integration & validation of the test software with the test system
3. Development of test procedure & user manual documents
4. Remote support for the validation and breakdown issues of the test systems

1. Programming in NI LabVIEW
2. Database and SQL basics
3. Strong problem-solving skills
4. Learning Agility
5. Knowledge of communication Protocols RS232, TCP/IP,UDP,USB, GPIB,I2C & SPI
6. Experience in programming to control the NI/Keysight Instruments
7. Experience in preparing reports using a report generation tool kit for Excel & word report
8. Experience in SQL commands for communicating with MS Access, SQL database
9. Experience in C language / NI Labwindows is an added advantage

Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering

Job Type: Full Time
Job Location: Hyderabad

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